
I can’t remember how this song popped out of me (except that I was definitely awake at the time!), but it’s one of those tunes that came quickly and seemed to form itself.  I love the title word and back in 2006 when I wrote this there was a local band named Sweetheart that may’ve played a role in inspiring me to blurt it out over a country-ish C-chord.  The chord progression progressed of its own accord, and words clung to the obvious melody fairly easily to construct the verses (with a little help from my friends the Beatles, borrowing phrases like “Two of us” and “Love you more”).  For me, the magic moment was later that day when I played what I had for Brandy: after the first two verses I spontaneously jumped to the relative minor and sang, quite literally, “And when you’re sitting in front of me…” – and next thing we knew I had a full song, and the feeling that indeed “everything will be … Alright.” 

The first time I played it for Eric, he said, “That’s a Top Drawers song!” and so it became.  The boys in that band added sweet back-ups and a full band arrangement that really brought out the dynamics, especially the percussive rhythm of that chorus.  We’ve performed this one many times, and it’s being released on the second Drawers album which (due to a series of delays) will be coming out after this one.  Awkward timing perhaps, but again, I had to have this song on my personal love album – I mean, I literally wrote the chorus with Brandy sitting right in front of me – inspiration doesn’t get much more direct than that!  Of course, I made sure the EastVangelicals version would be different, a slower, more intimate take on the song that with the Top Drawers jumps out as a rockin’ power-pop number.

Sweetheart, you know you got me
   Coming back for more, 
when I’m looking for love
I’m gonna walk right through 
   your open door
Oh no, it’s coming over
Me again, I can’t stop 
   letting you in,
Along the way I’ve grown
   to love you more
         And when you’re sitting
            in front of me
         I know everything will
            be alright, darling
You know me better than I’ve
Ever let someone know me before
You look into my eyes
   and know the score
They’ve got nothing on us,
You and me, we’ve made it
   what we want it to be –
It’s just the two of us,
   and I love you more
         And when you’re sitting
            in front of me
         I know everything will
            be alright, darling
Sweetheart, you know you got me
Coming back for more
   I couldn’t help myself
I went and fell right in love
          With you...